Military Spending and Economic Growth
Projektleitung und Mitarbeiter
Wiegert, R. (Akad. Dir. Dr. rer. pol., Dipl. Math.), gemeinsam mit:
Maneval, H. (Prof. Dr. rer. pol., Hochschule der Bundeswehr Muenchen),
Rautsola, P. (Dr. rer. pol., Hochschule der Bundeswehr Muenchen)
Forschungsbericht :
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There is a sizeable theoretical and empirical literature on the
relation between defense spending and important macro-economic
variables, but a lack of specific models. In an interesting study
published in 1984, Cappelen, Gleditsch & Bjerkholt (CGB) developed a
theoretical model consisting of three equations, and tested it
empirically for seventeen OECD countries in the period 1960-81. This
study focuses on a representation of this relationship for a
comparable CGB model with the help of a homogeneous group of four
neutral European nations. Estimation of structural parameters of the
econometric model was conducted on the basis of time-series for the
period 1960-87. The influences of defense spending on growth are not
always significant and empirically evident in the estimation of models
which are reduced to the seemingly main influences within the frame of
longitudinal data.
Drittmittelfinanzierung: VW-Stiftung
Maneval, H., Rautsola, P., Wiegert, R.: Military spending and economic growth:
A comment on Cappelen, Gleditsch and Bjerkholt. - J. Peace Res. 28,
- Stand: 15.09.96
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